Monday, September 30, 2019

Aphorisms in Tuesdays with Morrie Essay

â€Å"Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do.† (Albom 18) is the first and one of the most major aphorisms in Tuesdays with Morrie. I believe Morrie is speaking about recognizing your strengths, and not focusing so much on your weaknesses. He means, as he said, to â€Å"accept† your limitations. We are all affected by this aphorism everyday. We have limitations, and a lot of times we get so focused on our weaknesses we don’t take advantage of our strengths., and waste time simply trying to improve upon those weaknesses. For example, I’m not athletic. For a while, I focused on that and I let it upset me. I would set myself up to fail focusing on that, and wasting on my time trying to get rid of that lack of skill. Instead, I should have been focusing on non-athletic things that I am good at, and toning those skills, enjoying using them, rather than focusing on what I’m not able to do. â€Å"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.† (Albom 42) Here Morrie is speaking about the views culture and media release to us, how it preys upon us. Much of the social media is put out there to prey upon our insecurities, or create them to earn our business. We see this everywhere. Beautiful celebrities are plastered all over the tv, movies, and print, which makes us think that we aren’t attractive if we don’t look like them. You can see how prominent this is simply looking at a magazine cover. The titles for the articles, â€Å"The 10 Easy Workout Tips to Get You Slim Fast!†, â€Å"How to get Perfect Skin Now†, imply that you aren’t slim, with perfect skin, know how to get a boyfriend, be popular, etc. As Morrie said, you have to see above those and manage to stay confident even when the media is pressuring you no t to feel that way. â€Å"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.† (Albom 43). In this quote Morrie speaks of the truly important things in life. He was telling this specifically to Mitch because it affected Mitch personally. He spent all his time focused on his work, and living wealthily that he pushed away his family, friends, Morrie, and his whole old way of life altogether. Like Mitch, this applies to many people, and me, too. We spend their whole life putting work, or money, or a certain person or thing as their number one. When this happens we think we’re happy, that we’re satisfied, and that we’re doing things we see as â€Å"important†, when we’re really wasting life. Morrie means you should spend your time doing the things that are best for you and everyone else that you truly enjoy. They should devote themselves to the best life possible, and thinking, if we died today, would we be truly satisfied with our life? We should be. In the quote, â€Å"Don’t let go too soon, but don’t hang on too long.† (Albom 162) , Morrie is speaking about his oncoming death, and experiences altogether. He’s saying that when we have very important experiences, we should take the time to experience them, and feel the emotions – not to move on immediately, but not too move on so fast that it keeps us from living our lives. I’ve lived this aphorism in the experience of losing friendships, and also living people, and not moving on quite as well as I should have. All you want to do is live in memories, and you can’t forget your regrets. Instead of feeling the emotions while you’re still living your life, you simply dwell in the depression and sadness. Morrie wants to prevent that from happening. When Morrie asks, â€Å"What if today were my last day on earth?† (Albom 64) he’s speaking about the elephant in the room with him everyday, which was that he was getting closer to his death everyday. He’s talking about thinking of everyday as your last day. If you died today, what would you regret not doing? Would you wish you had called your dad and apologized for what happened all those years ago? Would you wish you had finally told someone how you felt? Wish you had fulfilled your lifelong dream of skydiving? He’s talking about how, even thought it was most literal for him, any of us could die anytime, any day. We should live without regrets now, because you never know. You see this throughout real life. People die everyday, and many times when people find out they only have a certain amount of time left to live, they go out and do everything they’ve always meant to do. The problem is, we don’t always know our time, and Morrie was saying to live the way you mean to, living life not leaving things unsaid or undone.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Educational Psychology and Learning

TeacherThe role of the teacher is to examine and calibrate the progress of each pupil which they are responsible for. The teacher plans the lesson and schemes of work as well as directs the class. A Teacher carries out assessments and evaluations and follows the national curriculum. They are accountable and responsible for each and every pupil under their jurisdiction. It is their role to collect and summarise information to identify each pupil’s achievement. The teacher identifies the learning objective and reports to the class when it should be accomplished.A teacher will comply with end of term/year reports and be able to communicate with staff, other professionals and parents regarding each student’s progress and ability. A dedicated teacher would be acquainted with a pupil’s interests and their learning styles. Be enthusiastic and committed and the ability to work with a diversity of needs. A teacher has to be flexible, highly motivated have excellent organi sational skills and be a good motivator. Importantly a teacher should demonstrate being a good role model, maintain discipline and praise their pupils.Learning Support PractitionerThe role of the teacher assistant is to promote a pupil’s learning and development by supporting the pupils, teacher, school and national curriculum. The key role is to support and guide the pupil to help achieve the learning objective. Their job is to help the pupils under the direction and guidance of the teacher. A teaching assistant should have a good knowledge of the subject of which they are supporting in order to deliver it effectively. They should be able to deliver feedback to the teacher on pupil’s progress and monitor it, as well as liaise with the teacher on the previous learning objective and reflect on it.A teaching assistant have to observe and comply different formats of observations. Provide clerical support and monitor and maintain resources. A T.A. also has to be a good rol e model, maintain discipline, be flexible and respect pupil’s social and cultural background. Good organisational skills and the ability to praise pupils are essential.Ultimately the two roles desire the pupils to reach their full learning potential. Both should complement each other, work alongside each other as a team in order to achieve the best outcome for each student .JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-041.2SUMMARISE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT.Summative Assessment or Assessment of LearningSummative Assessment is conducted to identify the progress which pupils have made at the end of term, end of course or scheme of work. This is a summary of the overall learning of a pupil’s achievement which involves pupils undertaking standardised tests or external examinations. This form of summative learning is to judge the progress made at the end of a period of study. Summative Assessment is completed for:SAT’S results Class teacher assessments Rev iews of pupils with SEN Pupils’ annual school reports External examinations GSCE’s & AS & A LevelsFormative Assessment or Assessment for learningFormative Assessment is the ongoing monitoring and assessment of pupil’s work with accompanying feedback to help them improve their performance. Formative assessment makes judgements about the pupils’ progress that is currently being carried out with an intention of informing teachers and pupils about how their work may be modified, improved or changed. This form of assessment for learning engages not only the teacher but the pupil and can be used to check the learning in any lesson.Teacher using open ended questions that will encourage the pupil to think for themselves â€Å"How do you think that could have been done better?†Listen to pupils’ explanations and description of methods on how they study.A Teacher/Teaching Assistant asking questions to pupils to check their understanding.Observing pupil s is a most informative method of gaining knowledge on a pupil’s progress. There are different types of observation depending on the learners needs.A learning objective should always be identified at the start of the learning activity, so a pupil will understand what they are learning and at the end have they achieved the learning objective. This method teaching will engage a pupil in reviewing their own progress. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-051.3EXPLAIN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING.Assessment for learning is the key term of using assessment as part of teaching and learning in ways which will raise learners’ achievements.Assessment for learning is highly effective in improving the quality of learning, which is why it has been introduced and proved to be successful. The definition of assessment for learning – it is the process of seeking evidence, interpreting for use by learners and teachers to decide where the learners are up to in their learning a nd where they need to go and how best to get there.The key characteristic of assessment for learning is that it shares the learning objective and its aim with the pupil. In doing so it identifies to the learners exactly how they have to perform to achieve a higher grade, consequently recognise the standards they are aiming for. Questioning the learners about their work enables them to see more clearly what they need to  do next.This engages the learner and involves them in peer assessment and self assessment, so that they are ultimately able to reflect on and recognise their own achievements. This enables pupils to build up on their skills before moving on to the next step. This process involves providing meaningful feedback to the learner on their progress so they know specifically where they are going and how to get there. An important aspect of assessment for learning is that the teacher/teaching assistant continually motivates and promotes confidence with the learner. This who le process is ongoing throughout every learning objective, for both the teacher and the learner in reviewing and reflecting on assessment information.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-051.4EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING.Research proves that assessment for learning has a big impact on teaching as it improves the quality of learning for the learner. The learner is not detached from their learning but is actively involved. This empowers the learner to reflect on their progress and improve on their performance. The effect of the learner being more in control of their learning thus increases confidence self-esteem and motivation. The way one feels about them self can have a huge impact on their learning. Research has recognised that assessment for learning has a profound influence on engaging pupils and keeping them interested.Pupils with do not feel part of the learning process may develop low self-esteem, become disengaged and lose interest. By self-assessment pupi ls understand where to improve their studies and how. Effective feedback is important so both able and less able pupils are fully monitored and supported in order for them to reach their full potential. It enables a pupil learning to be adjusted to their own particular needs. Assessment for learning is a device that makes possible for a pupil to understand the aim of what they are doing, what they need to do to reach that aim and where they are in relation to it.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-05 1.5EXPLAIN HOW ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING CAN CONTRIBUTE TO PLANNING FOR FUTURE LEARNING CARRIED OUT BY: A)THE TEACHER B)THE LEARNERS C)THE LEARNING SUPPORT PRACTITONERTeacherAssessment for learning greatly contributes to the future lesson planning of the teacher. It informs them of where the pupil is at with their learning and helps dictate the next step of the learning process. It takes place day to day in the classroom and keeps the teacher up to date with each pupil’s progress. This practice s helps the teacher make decisions regarding planning of future learning as well as share targets with the learner. Effective assessment for learners allows teachers to pass on the responsibility of managing their own learning to the pupil.LearnersThis process informs learners to know and recognise the standards for which they should aim. It identifies where they are in relation to this aim and how to achieve it. It helps immensely with an individual’s learning and the increased self awareness of how to learn will develop their confidence and motivation. By self assessment and looking at assessment criteria, pupils are able to ask for support in areas of which they are struggling and distinguish when to ask for it.Learning Support PractitionerThis process informs the actions of a learning support practitioner on what is the best step to take, as well as alter their actions. The whole process enables teachers and learners to review and reflect on personalised learning / thinki ng skills PLTS. This procedure will inform a learning practitioner on how to approach pupil questioning based on what they have discovered about how a pupil learns. Therefore, this increases confidence and promotes effect learning. They may have to alter the pace of the learning to suit every learner so all are given an opportunity to revisit parts of indecision.Reflective Log:At the Alt Valley Community College initially the students are set diagnostic skill tests which indicate their competencies and weaknesses consequently,  identify exactly where they need more help and practice. This informs the Tutor and T.A. to plan for future learning with this student as well as helps the student recognise aims for their own personalised learning programme. For example please see page 7 & 8. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-05 2.1OBTAIN THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO SUPPORT ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING.The learning objectives for the activities The personalised learning/ thinking skills PLTS goals for ind ividual learners The success criteria of the learning activity The assessment opportunities and strategiesAt the beginning of each learning activity the teacher should identify the learning objective, stating exactly what the learners should know at the end of the lesson. A good method of identifying the aim several teachers write W.A.L.T. (what are we learning today) on the board, or W.I.L.F. (what I’m looking for.) This way the learners can keep relating to the aim throughout the learning activity, and keep on task. The teacher must notify the learners about how they are going to be assessed, and how it will take place, in addition to how it will be measured.This procedure helps the learner to take more responsibility for their own learning, a proven effective technique. A pupil needs to think about their own personalised learning whilst working towards a learning objective. Personalised learning is the process of tailoring and matching teaching and learning around way diff erent learners learn in order to meet individual needs, interest and aptitudes to enable every pupil to reach their most advantageous potential.This helps to promote their own personal development through self-realisation, self-development and self-enhancement to become active, responsible, self-motivated learners. The Teacher/Teaching Assistant and learner always need to look at the success criteria of the learning activity. The standard and success criteria should be shared with the learner. For example:What pupil is learning – to write in paragraphs Success criteria – pupil able to write in paragraphsWhy they are learning it – learner is only able to achieve a grade D in  English if they are unable to write in paragraphs, to achieve a higher grade they must learn to write in paragraphs. How assessment will take place – teacher and teaching assistant will check pupil’s work to ensure they are consistently writing in paragraphs. A proven method is providing examples to the pupil which helps to meet the success criteria. As learners are supported assessment opportunities and strategies have to be used to motivate pupils to think about their work and progress. This is the process of utilising the best approach and techniques for the ongoing assessment during the learning activity.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-072.2 USE CLEAR LANGUAGE AND EXAMPLES TO DISCUSS AND CLARIFY PERSONALISED LEARNING GOALS AND CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING PROGRESS WITH LEARNERS.Usually secondary school pupils have personalised learning goals for each subject which are noted on their interim reports, which are updated as the term progresses. The personalised learning goals reflect the learning objective of activities and take account of the past achievements and current learning needs of individual learners. The subject teacher usually collates pupils with the same ability and personalised learning goal so they can work together and their needs tailored as a group. Individual or personalised learning plans are in place for pupils with additional needs and their personal targets documented. This will have been agreed and signed with the pupil, parents/carers and teachers.Reflective Log:At the Alt Valley Training Centre I did an assessment of learning on a pupil’s diagnostic skills numeracy examination. I noticed the pupil completely failed the percentages part of the paper. This pupil was due to undertake an apprenticeship in joinery. I spoke to the pupil and brought these findings to his attention and emphasised the importance of percentages in joinery, and the success criteria in achieving it, in order to complete his apprenticeship. I downloaded resources regarding this topic and I am at present in the process of working with him for the ongoing assessment of the learning activity.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-072.3 USE ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND STRATEGIES TO GAIN INFORMATION AND MAKE JUDGEMENTS ABOUT HOW WELL LEARNERS ARE PARTICIPATING I N ACTIVITIES AND THE PROGRESS THEY ARE MAKING. Ensure pupils understand the learning objective or any individual learning targets so they can assess their own progress as they proceedExplain to pupils on how to reach the learning objectiveListen to pupils describe their work and their reasoningCheck pupils understanding through questioning and using open-ended questionsObserve pupils noticing the kinds of strategies they are using and what they are finding difficultEngage pupils in reviewing their own progress throughout the learning activityInform pupils on how they will be assessedIf possible provide examples of work produced by other learnersContinually provide support and oral feedback as pupils are working as well as assessment and praiseGive opportunities for self or peer assessmentIf possible allocate time for pupils to discuss work before handing it inProvide written feedback Reflective Log:I worked with the students whom failed the percentage paper. I demonstrated the metho d of percentages and then asked him a few questions to check whether he understood. He then attempted some himself and was struggling.I continued to sit and observe him and asked him why he was doing the sum via that method. I continued to encourage him and explain the necessity of this qualification. I repeated my strategy to him and we continued through the work booklet. On completion I praised him for his diligence and informed him I would mark it later. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-072.4 PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK TO LEARNERS TO HELP THEM UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WELL AND WHAT THEY NEED TO DEVELOP.For assessment for learning to be effective every learners needs constructive feedback. This developmental pointer is crucial if progress is to be made. It can affirm the pupils’ strengths and identifies the weaknesses. Pupils need feedback during and following each learning activity. The information should be given which centres on their performance and be conveyed positivel y. Pupils should be notified that the feedback is based on facts and should not be taken personally. There are different types of feedback:Affirmative Feedback which if possible should be given during the learning activity to encourage and motivate Developmental feedback which gives suggestions on how to do better next time Both types of feedback can be given orally or written but really need to be given as soon as possible so the pupil can take it on board and action it.This also applies to teachers marking, if feedback is given too long after an activity children forget and find it harder to apply. Research has found that marking within the child’s presence is more helpful to each individual. A technique teachers use for writing on a good learning exercise is â€Å"two stars and a wish† or for improvement guidance â€Å"E.B.I. (even better if)† and suggestions provided. Best practice checklist for providing feedback:Remain non-judgemental Focus on strengths Wo rk through one thing as a time Give constructive feedback where needed and guidance on how a child can improve Link feedback directly to what has been observed or written End the session positivelyReflective log:Regarding the percentage students I sat with him to mark his paper, we worked through it step by step and I praised him on his competent working out calculations, as we were then able to identify at which point his method went wrong. I got him to look at some questions logically and in every day terms so he could then maybe estimate the answer and recognise the difference in his answers. On completion he felt confident about the activity; whereas at the beginning he told me he would never to be able to do it. I conveyed to him how pleased I was with his progress.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-16 2.5 PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES AMD ENCOURAGEMENT FOR LEARNERS TO IMPROVE UPON THEIR WORK.Each pupil is an individual and this fact must be recognised and considered when doing assessment for lear ning. Their own personal standards of achievements must be measured against their previous record and not compared to other learners. The next stage of learning must be based on their previous understanding and so on. It is unachievable to continue with the learning plan when a pupil has not understood the previous stage. Learning needs to be built up in a step by step formula, whereas one stage of procedure supports the other to gain an overall concept of the task in hand.Pupils should always be encouraged to discuss any difficulties they entail throughout the learning activity and previous learning experiences. This effective method helps to consolidate their knowledge and reinforce their understanding before moving on with the next topic. This helps motivate them and to promote confidence and self-esteem. These three factors have a huge impact on learners and every effort should be made to uphold and support them. Pupils with low self-esteem should be allocated more time and pati ence and learning objectives clarified regularly. On occasion support staff has to modify or adapt the learning objective in order for them to achieve it.To encourage each pupil to take responsibility for their own learning it has to be discussed with them and the onus placed upon them in relation to: How they think they can improve on their previous practiceWhat do they think went wrong? Did they rush the learning activity?Opportunities provided so they can improve: Do they want to redo the learning activity? Do they wish to stay in at break time? Would they prefer to take it home and do it as homework? Or have they got any other suggestions. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-123.1 USE INFORMATION GAINED FROM MONITORING LEARNERS PARTICIPATION AND PROGRESS TO HELP LEARNERS TO REVIEW THEIR LEARNING STRATEGIES, ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE LEARNING NEEDS.Assessment for learning is ongoing throughout the learning activity. The review of pupils’ work if possible should be processed during the le arning session. This is not always achievable during certain teaching presentations but if feasible time should be allocated for review. This enables students consider their work at each stage. This encourages the pupil to take responsibility for their own learning and for the teaching assistant to support and translate the teaching.Techniques to help learners review their learning strategies: Using open-ended questions- Where are you up to in your learning? Where do you need to go? And how best to get there. This helps them measure their progress against previous learning activities. Class discussion/in groups/ with a partner/ by yourself. Helps them to think about how they acted the learning activity and think how they could do it differently in the future. Provide sheet with learning objective for learners to refer to and explain objectives Provide oral feedbackUse examples of work in class discussions to highlight the ways that work can be improved Provide positive and construct ive feedbackMatch learning objective to needs in order to provide challenges and set appropriate targets Praise success throughout the learning activity Reflective Log:As part of the Joinery Apprenticeship Diploma the students have to complete and pass a Construction Skills Certificate Scheme CSCS. In order to be  allowed on site. They each individually complete this test online, which is out of 40 questions and the pass mark is 36. The summary identifies the right and wrong answers. I speak to the students during the activity and ask what the reasoning behind them choosing a particular answer was. At times they are placed in pairs so they can work together and accumulate each other knowledge to increase their mark. They are continually told of their last mark and their target each time is just to increase it by 1 mark. We celebrate success and the students gain satisfaction on their own progress and increase confidence that they â€Å"can do† it. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-123 .2 LISTEN CAREFULLY TO LEARNERS AND POSITIVELY ENCOURAGE THEM TO COMMUNICATE THEIR NEEDS AND IDEAS FOR FUTURE LEARNING.All teaching staff has to listen to all learners in order to identify their own particular strengths and weaknesses in each learning objective. They have to be given the opportunity to converse so that they know and recognise the standard for which they should aim. Via feedback from the learner informs teachers on how to be pro-active to their needs. Consequently, learners discover what they should do next in order to improve. Their own particular learning style has to be considered, for example intrapersonal learners do not thrive doing collaborative group work. By communicating their own personal preferences and ideas helps individuals to own and drive their own attainment. Learners should be encouraged to adopt their own personalised learning approach, which involves taking a highly structured and responsive approach to each learner, in order that they everybody is able to progress achieve and participate.This allows them to explore their own particular interests and reflect on their individual aspirations and learning habits. Research has shown that young people will produce better quality work when dealing with content they have an interest in. Positive encouragement can greatly enhance a learner; it promotes confidence and can give them the boost they needs when they are struggling with a particular task. A constructive comment can help achieve the objective and gain success criteria. This helps the learner to remain engaged and on task in addition to them gaining satisfaction regarding their own progress.Schools have strategies to check on pupils’ learning: Traffic light system- Pupils like to fit in with the class and do not like to be seen asking for help or lack  confidence in requesting it, a pupil has a picture at the top of the page and can colour 1 of 3 lights which indicates on how their coping with the learning activit y, red=help, amber just about on task, green no problems, therefore teachers can identify if help is required. Foggy bits- pupils are given the opportunity to write down or articulate the parts of the session or activity that have not been clear, Write a sentence- pupils are able to put in a sentence the key points of the learning at the end of a unit of work or learning activity.Talk partner review- pupils are given the opportunity to talk to their partner about what they found difficult and what they enjoyed in the learning activity. This can also be done at the beginning of a session to see what the already know. Post it notes/white boards- pupils can easily write down what they have learnt, found easy or hard. JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-153.3 SUPPORT LEARNERS IN USING PEER ASSESSMENT AND SELF-ASESSMENT TO EVALUATE THEIR LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS.When pupils are involved in assessing their own performance, they can often provide teachers and teaching assistants with insights into their o wn learning. Research has indicated that pupil involvement is likely to encourage pupils to become more focused upon the teacher’s intended learning outcomes, helps them to become more aware of personal areas in which they have strengths and weaknesses and in some instances assist in the management of behaviour.Assessment information is only of value when it is used to improve teaching or learning. Pupils need to know how they are progressing and appreciate being involved in discussions about their own learning. Even on a informal basis teaching staff should find opportunities to engage pupils in discussions about how they feel they are getting on with their work. Supporting pupils with self-assessment techniques:Clarify the purpose of the task – This is so pupils understand why they are doing it Keep assessment criteria simple – Be very clear on what pupils are being assessed against. If there are more than two criteria make them very specific. Encourage pupils to periodically check learning against the criteria – This will keep them focused on what they have to do. Ask pupils to tell you what they think they are doing and why – This enables the teacher to check that children have understood the task and how their learning will be measured. An ideal technique for pupils to build up their assessment skills is through working with adults and their peers.This method enables them to look more objectively at their own achievements. Collaboration in peer assessment allows each pupil to look at one another’s work and notice how it relates to the assessment criteria. They are then able to discuss what they have been asked to do and how their work reflects this, as well as bring to their attention to what teachers are looking for when measuring achievement. Peer assessment should not be used to compare pupils’ grades and achievements. That is why it is important to make it clear to pupils on what they will be assessed a gainst. Peer assessment can also assist in peer learning whereas one pupil can obtain hints and tips from another.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-153.4 SUPPORT LEARNERS TO: A) REFLECT ON THEIR LEARNING B) IDENTIFY THE PROGRESS THEY HAVE MADE C) IDENTIFY THEIR EMERGING LEARNING NEEDS D) IDENTIFY THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THEIR LEARNING STRATEGIES AND PLAN HOW TO IMPROVE THEM. A) Reflect on their learning:Pupils need to be encouraged to reflect on their learning during the process, and not just when it is completed. This is in order to reveal what is the best approach as well as if they are taking the best way towards achieving success criteria.This helps them to understand their own personalised learning and develop thinking skills for improvement. Techniques are to question the pupil to check he understands the purpose of the task, ask what they are doing and why, notify them on what they are being assessed on and be very specific and encourage them to check periodically against the le arning criteria, to ensure they are keeping focused. B) Identify the progress they have made:Teachers need to check that pupils are able to assess their own progress that they have made when working. This can be done through self or peer assessment. Throughout the learning session teachers/teaching assistant should maintain continuous dialogue about the progress they have made. This can be identified by asking questions for example, tell me what you have learnt during this session, and if a question is asked see if another pupil can answer it, or by asking pupils to write down what areas of the topic they found difficult. C) Identify their emerging needs:As a pupil looks at their learning they will begin to know what they need to improve on. They should be told which level they have presently attainted and what they need to do to achieve the next level. For a pupil who is performing beneath their capability a discussion may provide formative points which indicate how they could impr ove. D) Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their learning strategies and plan how to improve on them: The strengths and weaknesses of pupils learning has to be brought to their attention.Assessment materials/resources can be useful and re-assuring to identify to pupils their weaknesses. Or recognize their misconception and use it as a basis to work upon, as this can lead to a more positive to learning from their mistakes. Notify the pupil the area they need more practice on and encourage them to be resilient in their studies. For the pupil who is doing well, a discussion of an assessed piece of work may help them to improve even further by developing those strengths which have been identified to them. Another way of supporting learners is to allow them to keep a journal, in which they can keep a note of their learning and own personalised targets. Self-esteem should always be promoted.4.1 PROVIDE FEEDBACK TO THE TEACHER ON: A) LEARNERS PARTICIPATION AND PROGRESS IN THE LEARNIN G ACTIVITIES B) LEARNERS ENGAGEMENT IN AND RESPONSE TO ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING C) LEARNERS PROGRESS IN TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LEARNING.A) Learners participation and progress in the learning activities: When doing assessment for learning techniques the teacher assistant must work closely with the teacher to plan how they are going to fit it into the learning activity. Discussion before the lesson will enable the best opportunities to be sort that then can be included into the activity. The teaching assistant must then provide feedback to the teacher on how the learner contributed to the lesson and how much improvement they have made.This is  in order to find the best strategies to use in the future. Different techniques need to be considered depending on the learner, as some students find some more thought provoking than others. B) Learners engagement in and response to assessment for learning: A Teaching Assistant must consider the different aspect s of assessment for learning when giving feedback to the teacher. The teaching assistant must attempt to connect the learners with their own learning and provide feedback to the teacher on how successful it was. This can be done by completing an observation sheet or orally. Another good method is jotting down comments from the learners during the activity.The teacher may find it useful to know whether the pupil was more responsive and eager to participate if they were told that they doing assessment for learning. Alternatively feedback can be given through group feedback, in which the learners discuss the results of peer assessment with adults. In this way the teacher can find about their learning and feed back is given direct at the same time. C) Learners progress in taking responsibility for their own learning: Learners have to be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Teaching assistant must notify the teacher on how the learner is managing to deal with it. During assessment for learning learners should be asked â€Å"where they are up to in their learning, where they are going and how to get there.† By this method pupils will come to understand that they are the drive behind the force as well as the teaching staff. Usually a successful learning activity identifies that the students have taken responsibility for their own learning. Attempts should be made to empower the learner, for example tell children when working out maths problems include your working out which also creates marks.JAYNE WEBB 2012-05-16 4.2 USE THE OUTCOME OF ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING TO REFLECT ON AND IMPROVE OWN CONTRIBUTION TO SUPPORT LEARNING.Following learning activities the teacher and teacher assistant need to discuss and reflect on its outcome. This identifies whether or not the learning activity has been successful. A Teaching Assistant must look at their own approach to the learning activity and judge whether their own  approach could be improved when supporting pupils l earning. It should be considered whether different strategies could have worked better with pupils. What can be done to challenge the pupils more and did I question them correctly. There is always room for improvement and reflection on activities gives the opportunity for it to be corrected. Regarding reflection one should think about:How they questioned and encouraged the pupils to look closely at the assessment criteria. How they gave feedback to pupils. How they supported both peer and self assessment. Did they remain non judgemental. Did they focus on strengths? Work through one thing as a time. Give constructive advice where needed and guidance on how a child could improve. Link feedback directly to what has been observed or written. Did the session end positively?Reflective log:I assisted a student working through a maths booklet. I found the students was not co-operating in the activity and was distracted with other happenings in the classroom. I continued with the activity, asking questions, explaining methods etc. Till completed. On reflection it appeared to me that I had done too much of the practicalities and not supported the learner. I should have abandoned the learning activity as it was not vital to the days learning and include the student with the rest of the classes learning activity. That approach would have worked better as the student would have been more engaged.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-16 3.2 LISTEN CAREFULLY TO LEARNERS AND POSITIVELY ENCOURAGE THEM TO COMMUNICATE THEIR NEEDS AND IDEAS FOR FUTURE LEARNINGReflective Log: Whilst checking the students’ diploma booklet I noticed two students were struggling with spelling, punctuation and grammar and the aims of each question. I spoke to them each separately and explained would they like me  to help them as that was my purpose being here. They both divulged that they were finding the theory difficult. I worked with each student looking through their booklet and asked them to identify their problems in order for me to help them.I discovered that the key words on each question, for example, compare, contrast, analyse, justify etc the students did not comprehend. Afterwards I diligently assessed the booklet making a note of key words and wrote a summary of them together with a dictionary definition, which I stapled to the work booklet. This I showed to the learners assuring them they would find it helpful. I reiterated to them any further problems would they please speak to me and confirmed I would observe them closely in the classroom.3.3 SUPPORT LEARNERS IN USING PEER ASSESSMENT AND SELF-ASSESSMENT TO EVALUATE THEIR LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS Reflective Log:Regarding the above students I spoke to the tutor and identified their needs and suggested if he and the students agreed could I coach them with their English whenever possible. Presently, we sit together and work through communication and spelling books and I reveal little tips for example, necessary â€Å"rememb er a shirt has 1 collar and 2 sleeves† etc. The students do not cope well with self-assessment; they have not got a long concentration span and poor resilience.But I do continually positively encourage it. I have found that peer assessment has worked well as there is a competitive spirit involved with both of the learners. They have commented on their surprise at their own progress. I confirm to them the importance of English not only to achieve their joinery diploma but an essential life skill.JAYNE WEBB MAY 2012-05-263.4 SUPPORT LEARNERS TO A) REFLECT ON THEIR LEARNING B) IDENTIFY THE PROGRESS THEY HAVE MADE C) IDENTIFY THE LEARNERS EMERGING NEEDS D) IDENTIFY THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS OF THEIR LEARNING STRATEGIES AND PLAN HOW TO IMPROVE THEM. Reflective Log:I was assisting students in a functional skills maths class, the learning objective was to teach the students area, volume and perimeter. The students were not very motivated and I explained the importance of these topic s to achieve their hairdressing diploma as well as in everyday life. I observed each student and commented on their correct formula and suggested they look at parts again.Peer assessment worked quite well in the session as they liaised with each other and gained tips to further their learning. At the end of the session we asked what they found difficult and identified topics to revisit. I liaised with the Tutor and we decided to redo the learning activity at a later date but decided the best approach was to visit each topic- area, formula and perimeter on a separate day as we felt that the students were overloaded with all the different formulas.4.1 PROVIDE FEEDBACK TO THE TEACHER ON: A) LEARNERS PARTICIPATION AND PROGRESS IN THE LEARNING ACTIVITY B) LEARNERS ENGAGEMENT IN AND RESPONSE TO ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING C) LEARNERS PROGRESS IN TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LEARNING. Reflective Log:I was asked by the Tutor to observe a student who was completing a ratio booklet and rep ort to her verbally on her progress. This particular student is deemed as lazy and sluggish and has no work ethic. She was reluctant to participate and wanted too much help, in the hope that I would do it for her. As I was keyed up to her approach I engaged her as much as I dared, by explaining then asking questions to check if she understood. I made clear the importance of ratio in hairdressing and her aim to achieve it. She had to begin taking responsibility for her own learning.Surprisingly, she was quite competent with the learning objective. I praised her success and reiterated she had to start working with the tutors and commented, â€Å"Where are you up to in your vocation at the moment? Not interested in maths, you know where you going- hairdressing, How are you going to get there- by working with the tutors and taking notice in the maths class. I spoke to the Tutor and she agreed that was the best approach and we would continue to use these tactics.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Examine Hamlet’s Relationship with Gertrude Essay

At the beginning of the play, during Hamlet’s first soliloquy, Hamlet contemplates suicide because he is so furious with his mother for marrying Claudius within a month of his father’s death. This is when Hamlet comments, ‘frailty thy name is woman’ to express his bitter feelings towards his mother for not only the speed of her remarriage and betrayal of his father, but the ‘dexterity to incestuous sheets’. The situation, and Hamlet’s reaction to it, is a trigger of an increasing negative attitude towards all women, viewing them as weak. It is shown through his relationships with Gertrude and Ophelia. The audience learn through the other characters that Hamlet has shown affections towards Ophelia; whether they are genuine and lasting feelings is uncertain as Leartes advices Ophelia that they are not. Leartes asks Ophelia to ‘hold it a fashion, and a toy in blood;/ A violet in the youth of primary nature.’ Leartes not only says that Hamlet’s feeling towards Ophelia is short-lived nonsense of his youth but highlights that ‘for he himself is subject to his birth’. Polonius also echoes a negative portrayal of Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia as he advises her to ‘be somewhat scaner of your maiden presence’. Ophelia sees that Hamlet’s feelings are genuine as he ‘hath importuned me with love / In honourable fashion’ and ‘hath given countenance to his speech†¦ with almost all the holy vows of heaven’. However, she is obedient and follows the wishes of her brother and father to ‘keep as watchman to my heart’ or to not ‘give words or talk with the Lord’. The rejection of Hamlet by Ophelia is a significant influence in him believing that ‘frailty thy name is woman’ as Ophelia could be seen as weak for following the orders of others who assumed that Hamlet’s affections could not be trusted when she, herself, believed them to be true. Hamlet’s reaction to Ophelia’s rejection is extreme and she is ‘affrighted’ by his state of ‘knees knocking each other†¦ with a look so piteous in purport/ As if he had been loosed out of hell’. His bitterness has been exaggerated by the ‘antic disposition’ that he has adopted since learning that his father was murdered by his uncle from his father’s ghost. This would make him feel even more anger towards his mother for marrying Claudius. He is manipulated by the Ghost who encourages his frustration for her when he says, ‘ shameful lust/ The will of my most seeming-virtuous Queen’. Hamlet is in a vulnerable position as he is shocked by the revelations and is still grieving his father; it is comforting to ally his own feelings with his father’s in his resent towards Gertrude for marrying Claudius so soon after the King’s death and is quick to believe that he is a murderer. Hamlet follows the Ghost’s orders to not seek revenge on Gertrude but to ‘leave her to heaven’. Hamlet’s despise for Gertrude festers within him through the play and with it, his views of women. Hamlet follows the Ghost’s wishes not to take action against Gertrude and as a result he makes Ophelia suffer for his hatred of his mother. The extreme behaviour which Ophelia reports to her father leads Polonius to believe that he is ‘mad’ with the ‘very ecstasy of love’. Ophelia was obedient to her father’s wishes and ‘did repel his letters, and denied/ His access to me.’ In contrast to Hamlet’s ‘mad’ behaviour a letter written by him to Ophelia shows his strong feelings of affection towards her as he says, ‘To the celestial and my soul’s idol, the most/ beautified Ophelia’. The language is passionate in a very exaggerated style and shows that Hamlet had powerful emotions for her, and a rejection would cause an exaggerated reaction also. In conversation with Polonius, Hamlet’s bitter feelings towards women come out through quick and crude puns: ‘Let her walk not I’ th’ sun. Conception is a blessing, but not as your daughter may conceive’. This echoes Hamlet’s comment that ‘frailty thy name is woman’ as the punning suggests women are improper and easily influenced. In Hamlet’s next meeting with Ophelia he is harsh towards her and denies sending her letters but speaks abruptly to her, making connections between chastity, beauty and immorality. He repudiates Ophelia, the woman he once claimed to love, in the harshest terms and urges her to go to a nunnery as she ‘wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners’ and comments unfavourably on the flirtatious tricks of women such as ‘lisp’ and ‘nickname’. Hamlet says ‘we will have no more marriage’, this is not only because he believes women make ‘monsters’ of their husbands but the resent of his mother’s marriage to Claudius is also implied. When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent to find out what is troubling Hamlet he feels betrayed his mother as his mother and Claudius are together plotting together ways spying on Hamlet; his mother is being led by Claudius. He goes on to say that he has lost all interest in life, ‘Man/ delights not me; no, nor woman either’. He talk of men and women separately suggesting that they are different creatures. During the play Hamlet is cold towards both Gertrude and Ophelia, when his mother asks him to sit by her he refuses as ‘metal more attractive’. He comments, ‘how cheerfully my mother looks, and my father died within these two hours’, and speaks of ‘country matters’ crudely to Ophelia. Hamlet is thinking about the way his mother has acted and as he cannot confront her he offends Ophelia. Even though it is not suggested that Gertrude connived at her husband’s murder, but by marrying Claudius she is guilty by association, â€Å"None wed the second but who killed the first’. It reminds the audience the way in which the circumstance has changed him to believe ‘frailty thy name is women’. Once the play has been stopped, Gertrude asks to speak to Hamlet which is when he confronts her about his feelings as before he had to ‘hold my tongue’. He tells her that it was Claudius ‘blasting his wholesome brother’. He asks why she would desert his father for his uncle and aggressively shames her ‘in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed/ Stewed in corruption, honeying, making love/ Over the nasty sty’. The audience recognise the crude language that he used when speaking to Ophelia as he condemns the ‘frail’ women. Gertrude is convinced mainly by Hamlet’s insistence and power of feeling, which illustrates her ‘frailty’ and tendency to be dominated by powerful men and her need for men to show her what to think and how to feel. Ophelia is driven mad by her father’s death and it contrasts strongly with Hamlet’s, differing primarily in its legitimacy: Ophelia does not feign madness to achieve an end, but is truly driven mad by the death of her father. After Polonius’s sudden death and Hamlet’s subsequent exile, she finds herself abruptly without any of them. She is obsessed with death, beauty, and an ambiguous sexual desire, expressed in startlingly frank imagery: ‘Young men will do’t, if they come to’t, By Cock, they are to blame. Quoth she ‘Before you tumbled me, You promised me to wed.’ Shakespeare has demonstrated her chaste dependence on the men in her life; similar to Gertrude’s character. Ophelia is in such a ‘frail’ state when in the same situation as Hamlet – their fathers both murdered – she commits suicide, which Hamlet also contemplated in his first soliloquy. Ophelia is associated with flower imagery from the beginning of the play. In her first scene, Polonius presents her with a violet; after she goes mad, she sings songs about flowers; and then she drowns amid long streams of them. The ‘fragile’ beauty of the flowers resembles Ophelia’s own ‘fragile’ beauty, as well as her nascent sexuality and her exquisite, doomed innocence. Despite Hamlet’s harsh treatment of Ophelia, Hamlet is grief-stricken and outraged when declaring in agonised fury his own love for Ophelia. He fights with Laertes, saying that ‘forty thousand brothers / Could not, with all their quantity of love, / make up my sum’. This shows that his despise of women could not overcome his love for Ophelia in the same way that Hamlet had trusted his mother to believe he is not mad but not tell Claudius that is an act, even though he had felt betrayed by her throughout the play. Therefore, Hamlet was shattered by his mother’s decision to marry Claudius so soon after her husband’s death, Hamlet becomes cynical about women in general, showing a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection between female sexuality and moral corruption. This motif of misogyny, or hatred of women, occurs sporadically throughout the play, but it is an important inhibiting factor in Hamlet’s relationships with Ophelia and Gertrude. He urges Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the corruptions of sexuality and exclaims of Gertrude, ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’. Gertrude seems to have a powerful instinct for self-preservation and advancement that leads her to rely too deeply on men much like Ophelia who is also submissive and utterly dependent on men. As these are the only two significant women in Hamlet’s life it is easy for him to conclude that ‘frailty thy name is women’.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational Charts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Charts - Assignment Example The said goals have to be broken down into activities and tasks for the departments with addition of seven new positions for sales and marketing department and two additional positions in human resources department. With provision of new resources to all department manager at, there is a need for the creation of new positions and opportunities for new employees. The approach will assist in making sure that the organization meets its goal of having the responsibility of hiring new employees under sales, marketing, and human resource department. This requires the attention of the functional area background, which include planning, organization, leadership and control of the new set of additional employees. Under sales and marketing, I will add seven new employees and position them strategically to be productive to help the organization meet its goals. In consideration to all the already available positions under sales and marketing, I concluded opening new positions, which include the regional sales manager. This is slightly different from sales manager position and the position of business and market analysts. These positions will meet the company’s goals of achieving double income. With a new integration of this new department, the organization will be in a position to extend its sales activities from an overall department overseeing all the branches of the organization to multiple sales offices running independently in all the branches from all over they are. All the regional sales managers should then harmonize all the branches under one department, which is the sales department. The new sales and marketing organizational chat will look as follows. Business analysis has emerged as a major business practice. It acts as a link between organization information technology competencies and the business objectives where skilled business analysts contribute to profitability, with employment of business analysts by Artha Corporation will help in seizing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Shareholders Enjoy Growth at Dick's Sporting Goods Assignment - 30

Shareholders Enjoy Growth at Dick's Sporting Goods - Assignment Example As the paper outlines, one of the key successes of Dick's Sporting Goods is the fact that products are stocked according to a local area's seasons. This can reduce costs, which in turn the company can pass onto the customers in the form of cheaper yet high-quality products. Another reason why business has flourished is that Ed Stack has placed key emphasis on the customer experience. For any business that is struggling to establish itself in the marketplace, developing strong relationships with customers is one of the few things that can be controlled. There are so many other variables that can change depending on different factors, but being nice and courteous to customers is something that is attainable. Ed Stack has realized this and the result has been that many repeat customers have been created.  The reason why rapid growth can sometimes be a bad thing for a company is that it has not prepared to expand business operations. Few experts can predict when a company will take off , so when it does it often happens by surprise. This causes the firm to adjust its strategic goals and objectives, and sometimes it does not have long enough to accurately form these. Another reason why rapid growth is not such a good idea is that expenses tend to rise faster than revenue, creating a short-term loss. While this may not prove to be fatal to a company, it can mean that the company has to secure external financing in order to break even and doing this can strain company finances and resources. It is often the case that steady growth is better than rapid growth for the long term because the company can adapt its strategies at a pace that keeps up with the company's growth. Trying to accomplish this feat when the company is expanding rapidly is difficult to do because simple mistakes can cause damage to the company in the long term.

Tax allowable deductions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tax allowable deductions - Essay Example These qualify at lower rates than ordinary dividends. For the two categories, the rates of dividend are given according to tax brackets. 10. Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes IRS sec. 6050(e) it says any person who makes refunds of $10 or more in the year on behalf of the state shall be liable to fill the form for refunds. 13 Salaries and wages (less employment credit) - Treasury Regulation section 1.47(1-4) – any wages and/ or salaries paid to any employee is allowable for tax purposes. The employment credit should be deducted therefrom. 17 Taxes and licenses- Treasury Regulation section 26(1) taxes from the corporate are paid to the treasury as well as any licenses. Very high amounts of taxes are remitted directly to the treasury officials 20 Depreciation from Form 4562 not claimed on Schedule A or elsewhere on return (attach Form 4562) - Treasury Regulation section 1.167(a) and (b) states that there is no time that depreciation shall be charged above a figure so reasonable than its salvage value. 23 Pension, profit-sharing, etc., plans  ­- Treasury Regulation section 1.401-1 states that these plans should withhold 10% of the contribution in early remittances and such contributions by employees are tax allowable. 28 Taxable incomes, before net operating loss deduction and special deductions. Subtract line 27 from line 11- Treasury Regulation section 1.861.8 says that the taxable income so determined is from operations in the United States. 29a Less: a Net operating loss deduction (see instructions) - Treasury Regulation section 1.904.3 losses are carried forward from previous years and profits are taxed with the existing rate. (James et al,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Organization Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Organization Theory - Essay Example Therefore the role of the leader is to find a compromise between all of his employees to perform the organization objectives. "The resource base view of the firm infers that firms create competitive advantage by implementing unique combinations of resources and business practices that are difficult (or impossible) for competitors to imitate" from this viewpoint, Human resource practices are key components of overall firm strategy. In fact, the success of some well-known firms has been attributed to their HR practices as a competitive advantage (e.g. Southwest Airlines and SAS" (Porter 1990). This paper addresses three important themes addressed in three chapters in the course focusing on Tesco as the case study institution. In the first part of the paper, an overview of the institution under analysis is presented. Part two of the paper presents the strength weaknesses opportunities and threats of TESCO. The part of the paper, evaluate the motivational strategies of Tesco, in relation to chapter ten of the study. Part four focuses on corporate social responsibilities of Tesco, while the last section focuses on Tesco decision making. Founded by Jack Cohen in 1919, Tesco Plc has come a long way and has established itself as the largest super store in Europe. At the turn of the century, Tesco became very proactive in coming up to the requirements of the new ear and was launched, followed by aggressive entry into international markets like Malaysia, Japan & Turkey, China & the US. Today, the international operations of Tesco yield more profit as compared to the profits in the Europe market. More than half of Tesco's selling space is in markets outside Europe. The Tesco Plc website states "shareholders. Today the Group operates in 12 markets outside the UK, in Europe, Asia and North America. Over 160,000 employees work in our international businesses, serving over 28 million customers and generating 13.8 billion sales and over 700 million profit." Tesco denotes its success to an aggressive global strategy of geographic diversification. In its attempt to renew the brand and keep it in sync with changing customer tastes and keeping up the growth figures in future, Tesco follows various strategies including international diversification, providing value to customers, product diversification, innovation, and umbrella branding 1.2 SWOT Analysis of Tesco 1.2.1 Strengths Premium location, centre of primary target market catchments. High exposure to foot and vehicular traffic. Better value in the form of lower prices Fresher Merchandise Unique service offering to this market and highly recognized in UK. High level of qualified resources and their professional capabilities to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Kingdom of Ends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Kingdom of Ends - Essay Example "In the kingdom of ends everything has either a price or dignity. Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; on the other hand, whatever is above all price, and therefore admits of no equivalent, has a dignity." (Kant 42) In this statement above, Kant mentions that morality which is attributed as a universal requirement for every person in the society has a price, a price which is placed on virtue or vice. In this sense, morality can have a price if it is inclined to a good thing or a bad thing. The price of a bad thing or a vice is tantamount to a sin according to the laws of God. And the price of a sin is an eternal life in hell with Satan. On the other hand, a good thing or a virtue is rewarded by a promise of a happy after life. This is associated to the life in heaven with God where the price is happiness and joy in an eternal life. Therefore the human person in his nature can choose to do whatever he or she likes. This can be in the form of something that is not considered of ethical standards or one that is justified as being good. However, in the kingdom of ends, the virtuous side is only considered by Kant where the moral nature of man is at play. This moral aspect is the one that provides the creation of a universal law, a law that every one is supposed to be conversant with and obey its directions. In another aspect however, morality is correlated to dignity. Dignity as it is known is the term that means an ethical inclination of a person where he or she accords respect to others and also accorded respect in return. Hence, dignity is something that has no direct price because it is inwardly developed in someone. Due to this inward development of dignity, it does not have an equivalent of it because it is unique in each and every human. Thus moral value of dignity can not be measured in terms of price as it is not visible for one to measure. The level of dignity that is given to somebody is probably the only measure that can be used to determine morality. In this sense, Kant mentions, "For when moral value is being considered, the concern is not with the actions, which are seen, but rather with the inner principles, which are not seen." (Kant 19) Human nature which is exhibited in dignity is correlated to an art in the kingdom of ends. An art or talent is something that is God given. This means that it can not be created by the human being but only by the supernatural being God. Because of this, it can not be tagged a price that can be purchased by anyone. Just like one can not buy another human being, dignity can not be bought. It is something non-tangible. Art can be something that can be fostered in someone through learning and continuous practice. One can involve him or herself in continuous practice that with time perfects this ability in a specific field. Likewise in dignity, it can be practiced so that one can gain a high level of respect from others. However, in the Kingdom of ends, it can only be practiced by obeying and constantly following the universal law. The universal law acts as the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Homelessness - Essay Example His name is John Doe and I have seen him before near Wal-Mart about five blocks away. I have read somewhere that the homeless tend to shy away from public contact. So I was a bit hesitant to approach John. I was, hence, quite surprised and thankful that he was accommodating to my pleasantries. And so, after introducing myself and declaring my intentions, I immediately asked him about his attitudes about other people, if it’s true that they avoid contact or that if he asked for help. He replied that it was obvious: â€Å"You see us, yes? I am not exactly proud of my condition. Even if I am like this, I am ashamed to ask for help. Being homeless is bad enough but being refused help is worse. Dignity is all I have left.† He added that the other homeless he knows have experienced being driven out by relatives and friends while there are those who have simply lost contact with them or that some have simply died. â€Å"Just gone, and we’re alone. That’s the fact.† We chatted further and I found that he has a daughter living in San Diego. He was not keen on talking about her and from the most I could understand from bits of information he was willing to share was that she doesn’t know about his plight and he does not want to trouble her with the new family she’s starting. There was this faraway look in his eyes that perhaps again saw the past regrets. So I asked about more mundane things such as how they eat, sleep and socialize with other homeless people. He told me it depends. Since he is constantly on the move, there is no opportunity for friendship or socialization. â€Å"It is sad that most of the time the only relationship I have with them is driven by competition.† He was referring about food. Also, it appears that there is no social hierarchy among the homeless and that the closest to this would be the kind of territoriality that comes in foraging food and in asking for alms. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Access Database Essay Example for Free

Access Database Essay Problem: Create a computerised relational database using Microsoft Access for a library close by because the library has too many papers and lose many of them, so they want a database that solves all their problems. Users: The Librarian will be going to use the database, and the assistance will also use it, the assistance might not be an expert so the assistance must take classes on how to use the database because it has to be used carefully. I will also make it user friendly Objectives: * Must have more than one table (entity) to create relationships * Each table has a primary key to uniquely identify each record * Each table is linked through primary/foreign keys * The database will be normalised so each table has its appropriate data * Create Forms to gather data/reduce mistakes * Create Queries to search for data * Create Reports to show the output from your queries * Make database user friendly so it can be used * To show the stock of the videos in the library * Age group of videos Alternative solutions: I could have used a flat file database or Microsoft Excel but I used a Computerised relational database because if I use flat file database there will be lots of paper, too much space will be used unnecessarily and too much to carry. And I couldnt use Microsoft Excel because the librarian doesnt have that software so I used Microsoft Access. Software: The database managing system is Microsoft Access and the desktop publishing is Microsoft Word in this very project. Hardware: In this project, I will use a Windows Based PC because all computers in School support them, I will also use a Printer to print out all evidence and paper work. I will also use a memory stick as a backup for my project so if it is lost I always have my memory stick. Security: For security I will save my work regularly so this would reduce the risk of it not being saved. I will also save it in several places for example: school computer, computer at home and USB. This will make sure I wont lose my work. I will also regularly print out pages of the project, this will assure the examiner I have done the project, and this will come very handy if all my work is lost. Input method: I will input data in design view using Microsoft Access to create tables, fields. And when my system will be complete, when I hand it over to my customers they will input data via the forms (in fields) Output method: The output is when you run a Query on a PC, its result or output will come onto a report, that is that is the output method. Process: When query runs it searches fro a database that is an example of a process. Verify: Verification is the process of checking that input data is correct. It is normally carried out by a human who visually compares the data with the source document. To site check, is an example of verification. For example, to check that the fields work. Validate: Verification is the process of checking that input data is correct. It is normally carried out by a human who visually compares the data with the source document. Input masks, is an example of validation. Questionnaire 1. What do you think I could improve in my hand drawn plans? 2. What do you think is good in my hand drawn plans? 3. Do you think my database looks user-friendly, if not why? 4. What do you think of the layout of my hand drawn plans? 5. Is the colour combination used good, is the style of the page good? 6. Overall, what do you think of the hand drawn plans, should I redo do them, or keep it as it is? 7. Out of a rating of 5 being the highest, what do you rate this database? Test Plan OBJECTIVES TEST * Must have more than one table (entity) to create relationships I will check that the relationships work because if they work that means I have more than one table * Each table has a primary key to uniquely identify each record I will check that the primary key is working in Microsoft Access * Each table is linked through primary/foreign keys I will check that I connect the Invoice table with Customer and Video table and check it in E-R diagram * The database will be normalised so each table has its appropriate data I will check that each table has its own headings so that it is user friendly and will check it in design view * Create Forms to gather data/reduce mistakes I will open the forms and check if they work properly in Microsoft Access * Create Queries to search for data I will open the queries and check if they work properly in Microsoft Access * Create Reports to show the output from your queries I will open the reports and check if they work properly in Microsoft Access * Make database user friendly so it can be used I will ask people about my database by giving them a questionnaire, if they think it user friendly * To show the stock of the videos in the library I will check in my forms that there is a field for the stock of the videos * Age group of videos I will check in my forms that there is a field for age group of videos Objectives What should happen? What actually happened? 1. Must have more than one table (entity) to create relationships The tables should have relationships + must work They worked as I expected them to 2. Each table has a primary key to uniquely identify each record The table has a primary key, the main one The tables didnt work because it had no primary key 3. Each table is linked through primary/foreign keys The tables should be linked through primary keys They worked as I expected them to 4. The database will be normalised so each table has its appropriate data The tables should have its appropriate fields according to their table They all had the appropriate fields 5. Create Forms to gather data/reduce mistakes When I open the forms they should work and look like the ones as I designed them to be They did work but did not like the ones I designed 6. Create Queries to search for data When I open the queries they should work and look like the ones as I designed them to be They worked as I expected 7. Create Reports to show the output from your queries When I open the reports they should work and look like the ones as I designed them to be They did work but did not like the ones I designed 8. Make database user friendly so it can be used From user feedback they should tell me its user friendly From user feedback I got told that my database is user friendly 9. To show the stock of the videos in the library When I open the library, there should be a field called Stock of Videos There was not the field, which I wanted 10. Age group of videos There should be a field called Age group of videos in video form There was the field, which I wanted Testing Table 11. To have a customized When I open up database A switch board did Switch board customized switch board not open up should open up Evaluation of objectives * Must have more than one table (entity) to create relationships I kept more than one table, in order to input more data. With more tables, there could be more forms. More different subjects, and so the database can be made. The main reason was so I can create relationships. The reason for the relationships are so I can relate or link the tables with each other. This is very helpful. For example: I can add the field name Customer_ID from the Customer form, and the field name Video_ID from the Video form to the Invoice from. In the end, I managed to achieve the objective. * Each table has a primary key to uniquely identify each record Each table has to have a primary key to uniquely identify each record because without it the table would not work, they are also needed for relationships, if you want to create relationships between several tables. At first it did not work but later after many attempts I achieved the objective. * Each table is linked through primary/foreign keys All the tables are supposed to be linked through the primary/foreign keys or else they will not work. I did this on the E-R diagram and also did it on the database and I achieved the objective. * The database will be normalised so each table has its appropriate data I normalised the data, for each table. I did 3 normalisations. In the first one, I just kept any field names I thought would be useful in my database. In the second one, I put them in tables and in third normalisation I took out the extra field names that were not relevant. Most of it was good; except one field name was wrong, I edited it and achieved the objective. * Create Forms to gather data/reduce mistakes I created forms for the database so I can input data. Then I created them at first they did not work, but later I fixed them and achieved the objective. * Create Queries to search for data I created queries for the database so I can search for data and they worked the first time I tried. I achieved the objective. * Create Reports to show the output from your queries I created reports to show the output and it can be very helpful to the customer or librarian. At first when I created the reports, they were not same as my hand drawn plans, but then in edited them again and I achieved the objective. * Make database user friendly so it can be used I made the database user friendly so it is easy to navigate. And I achieved the objective. * To show the stock of the videos in the library I made the field name of stock of videos in the library, at first the field was missing but then I added the field name and achieved the objective. * Age group of videos To show the field name of age group of videos and I achieved the objective. To have a customized switchboard At start it did not open up, but then I achieved the objective. Data Collection In this project data will be collected in different kinds of forms. The invoice form, the customer form and the video form. The librarian will give the customer the customer form for him or her to fill in. For the invoice form and video form the librarian will be expected to fill in the data for those forms. There will also be reports and queries made for some the data. Designs Explained I have kept my forms very user friendly so it easy for the librarian, the assistant and for the customer to use. For the forms I have kept a simple colour combination. In the forms, in the fields the background colour is yellow and the handwriting colour is blue because yellow and blue go well with each other, the colours are also bright and easy to read. For filling in the data, in those blocks the background colour will be red and the handwriting colour will be black because red and black are a good colour combination and will be easy to read. I have kept the handwriting size fairly big so it is easy for the customer and librarian to read or fill in. I have decided to use the font Arial because it is very clear and big. Also for the field names I have decided to keep them bold because they are very important. My reports are also very user friendly and attractive. User feedback From the user feedback I have decided to keep my hand drawn plans as my final designs because of the feedback I got. They have said everything in my hand drawn plans is good. They also said it is very user friendly, clear and the colour combination used goes very well together. However, one person said to add buttons and maybe an image. So I decided to add a video cover image and buttons to all my hand drawn plans.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Individual And Situational Factors On Workplace Deviance Psychology Essay

Individual And Situational Factors On Workplace Deviance Psychology Essay Workplace deviance has emerged as a major area of attention among human resource management and organizational behavior researchers (Bennett Robinson, 2000, 2003; Griffin, OLeary-Kelly Collins). It is regularly performed in the workplace by a spectrum of employees ranging from blue collar employees, in both profit and non-profit organisation to white collar employees (Giacalone and Greenberg, 1997). In the perspective of Bennett and Robinsons (2003), organizational deviance research contends a broader conceptualization of deviance which has occurred over the last ten years and an agreement on a definition has been difficult (Kidwell et al, 2005). It has spawned a variety of concepts and related definitions. For example, in Robinson and Bennett (1995), they defined workplace deviance as voluntary behavior of organizational members that violates significant organizational norms, and in so doing, threatens the well-being of the organization and/or its members (p. 556), and this definition has been adopted by other organizational research too such as Lee Allen, 2002; Martinko, Gundlach and Douglas, 2002; and Sackett, 2002; Mount, Ilies and Johnson, 2006). Other researchers studied workplace deviance also use different distinct terminology such as retaliation (Skarlicki and Foldger, 1997), aggression (Douglas and Martinko, 2001; Fox Spector, 1999; Neuman Baron, 1997; OLeary-Kelly, Griffin, Glew, 1996), revenge (Bies, Tripp, Kramer, 1997), counterproductive behavior (Spector et al, 2005 and Sackett, 2002), antisocial behaviour (Giacolone Greenberg 1997), dysfunctional behaviour and organizational misbehaviour (Vardi Weitz, 2003). Conceptually, workplace deviance is generally used to describe specific incidences of deviant behaviour in the workplace; therefore, the actions of individual employees serve as the basic unit of analysis (Robinson Greenberg, 1998). For this research the term workplace deviance by Robinson and Bennet (1995) will be use because it appears as one of the popular terms among researchers nowadays in this area. This includes local researcher for example Faridahwati (2003), Samsuddin and Rahman (2006) and Abdul Rahman (2008) who used this terminology. Behaviors labeled deviant include unsafe work practices, drug abuse, stealing, dishonesty, volitional absenteeism, alcohol abuse, destruction of an organizations property (Griffin OLeary-Kelly, 2004), employee theft, withholding effort, violence, insubordination, sabotage, whistle-blowing, poor attendance, misuse of information, alcohol use and abuse, gambling, inappropriate internet use, littering (Mount, Ilies and Johnson, 2006) and harassment (Jixia Yang, 2008). In addition, with technology advancement and internet in the workplaces, browsing the web and checking personal emails are some of the diversity of workplace deviance acts (Nguyen, 2008). Scholars have estimated that up to 75 percent (Harper, 1990), 85 percent (Harris and Ogbonna, 2002), and 95 percent (Slora, 1991) of employee routinely behave in a manner that can be described as deviance (cited in Harris and Ogbonna, 2006). Over the past decade, there has been an increase in attention to workplace deviance including violence, stealing, dishonesty, volitional absenteeism, drug and alcohol abuse many of which have been addressed in this special issue. In Malaysia, the evidence of workplace deviance had begin to soar. KPMG Fraud Survey 2004 (Ngui, 2005) shows 83% of Malaysian public and private limited companies have experienced fraud which is also a form of workplace deviance. This is an increase of 33% from 2002 survey. Another survey by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Global Economic Crime Survey 2005 (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006) reveals that 23% out of 100 Malaysian large companies surveyed have been subjected to fraud, and 70% of the cases reported was committed by employees (Zauwiyah and Mariati, 2008). Other evidence in Malaysia from the public media involve dishonesty and poor work attitude cases (New Strait Times, 2005), fraudulence, (Utusan Malaysia, 2004), underperformed and lazy (Star, October 2009) and the issue of fake medical certificate which these behaviors are labeled under forms of workplace deviance (Utusan Malaysia, 2003 cited from Abdul Rahman and Aizat, 2008). Other forms of deviance including corruption (New Stra its Times, 2009) which is also a growing problem in Malaysia that highly involves employees in the public sector. For example base on a research done by Global Corruption Barometer which was announced by the Transparency International indicates that corruption percentage is high among employees in the public sectors (Berita Harian, June 2009). Deviance act was also reported to the police and 27 disciplinary cases involving the public sector were reported by the Public Service Department (Abdul Rahman, 2008). In the Malaysian Current Law journal from 2000 until 2005 also reported a review of dismissal cases from the Malaysian Industrial Relations Department (Abdul Rahman, 2008). Samsuddin and Rahman (2006) also had highlighted the presence of workplace deviance in Malaysia. Substance abuse for example also becomes a significant problem among public and private organizations in Malaysia. The National Drug Agency under the Malaysian Ministry of Internal Affairs registered a total of 250,045 drug addicts in government and private sectors between January 1995 and February 2005 (Abdul Rahman, 2008). Other forms of deviance behavior including sabotage, threatening a pay cut, antagonising and showing disrespect of an employees religious belief was also reported to the Labour Deparment (Faridahwati, 2004). Whether the deviance is explicit or subconscious, it has negative consequences for the entity and affiliates. It affect organizational performance, safety and health of the employees (Kidwell and Kochanowski, 2005) and enormous costs associated with such behavior (Peterson, 2002). For example, nearly 95 percent of all companies in United States reported some deviance-related experience within their respective organizations (Henle et al., 2005) and the estimated impact of widespread workplace deviance has also been reported to be $50 billion annually on the United States economy (Henle et al., 2005b). It is continue to soar out of control with nearly 95 percent of all companies reporting some deviance-related experience within their respective organizations (Case, 2000; Henle et al., 2005). Infact, employee theft and fraud is the fastest growing type of crime in the United States (Coffin, 2003) Researchers have addressed the consequences of deviant behaviours in some detail. It is reported that workplace deviance gives a financial impact on the organizations and victims of workplace deviance are more likely to suffer from stress-related problems and show a relatively decreased productivity, lost work time and a relatively high turnover rate (Henle et al., 2005). The impact of workplace deviance can also be translated into turnover, lower productivity, employee morale, higher rates of absenteeism and turnover (Hoel, Einarsen, and Cooper, 2003; Keashly and Jagatic, 2003). Therefore, given the growing prevalence of detrimental behaviors and the associated costs, it is beneficial to organizations and researchers to determine which variables contribute to such behavior, or identify potential factors that can predict the occurrence of various types of workplace deviance. Thus, there is great incentive, financial and otherwise, for organizations to prevent and discourage any negative workplace deviance within their walls. For these reasons, it is a great interest in understanding the antecedents of workplace deviance (Hogan and Hogan, 1989; Robinson and Greenberg, 1998; Henle, 2005; Mount 2006). Base on the findings of past empirical research it shows that certain factors are vulnerable to deviant behaviors by employees such as job stressors (e.g.. Fox et al, 2001), organizational frustration, (e.g., Spector, 1975), lack of control, over the work environment (e.g., Bennett, 1998), weak sanctions for rule violations (e.g., Hollinger and Cjiark, 1983), and organizational changes such as downsizing (e.g.Baron and Neuman, 1996). Some researchers had suggested that situational or organizational factors might be responsible for workplace deviance. Appelbaum et al. (2005) suggested that operational environment rather than individual personality characteristics is a good predictor of employees engaging in negative deviant workplace behavior. This is opined by Henle (2005) that employees will commit deviant behavior in the organization depending on the situational environment in workplace regardless of their individual characteristics. However, Martinko (2002) suggested that individu al difference variables is an important antecedent to workplace deviance because of the influence these individual differences are likely to have on attribution process. Previous research also has demonstrated that there are meaningful linkages between employees individual characteristics and deviant behavior at work (e.g., BennettRobinson, 2003; Dalal, 2005; Douglas Martinko, 2001; Salgado, 2002). However, Robinson and Greenberg (1998) point out that no clear picture emerges of a deviant personality type and that personality traits seem to only account for a small percentage of the variance in predicting deviant behaviour (Browing, 2008). Previous empirical research however did demonstrated that certain organizational factors also make companies more vulnerable to deviant behaviors by employees such as joh stressors (e.g.. Fox et al, 2001), organizational frustration (e.g., Spector, 1975), lack of control over the work environment (e.g., Bennett, 1998), weak sanctions for rule violations (e.g., Hollinger and C;iark, 1983), and organizational chauges such as downsizing (e.g.Baron and Neuman, 1996). Thus, base on this perspective, only indicates that deviant acts at work depending on the work environment regardless of their individual characteristics. Base on various researchers perspective, there has been a controversial either individual characteristics or situational environment of the organization contributes to workplace deviance. In fact, there are also other researchers that suggested that various antecedents of workplace deviance from situational and individual difference. There are findings indicated that there are meaningful linkage between personality characteristics and workplace deviance (e.g., Bennett and Robinson, 2003; Dalal, 2005; Douglas and Martinko, 2001; Salgado, 2002). This issue had been continue to be controversial and there had been little disagreement on the antecedent correlated to workplace deviance and consensus regarding which situational and individual differences correlated to workplace deviance. However, Colbert et al. (2004); Henle (2005) suggested that future research should identify both situation and person-based explanations of workplace deviance so that organizations could predict and ultimately, minimize the occurrence of workplace deviance. Even, more than a decade, apparently still very few studies have assessed both personal and organizational correlates (actual or self-reported) workplace deviance (Lefkowitz, 2009). In Malaysia itself, studies on workplace deviance had been done previously by Shamsudin (2003), Faridahwati (2004), Razali (2005), Radzi and Din (2005), Sien (2006) and Abdul Rahman (2008). Various studies had been done using various units of analysis, for example, studies on workplace deviance done by Faridahwati (2004), Samsuddin (2003) and Sien use hotel employees as sample, Radzi and Din (2005) in a high technology multinational companies in the northern region, Razali (2005) focus on production workers in Penang and Abdul Rahman (2008) use production employees in manufacturing companies in various states in Malaysia. Base on this comparison, the existing local studies however fall short using public sector employees as unit of analysis. 2.0 Problem Statement There is a growing problem of workplace deviance in the workplace that should not be ignored. Evidence from newspapers and other public media indicates various forms of workplace deviance exists in Malaysia such cases of dishonesty, poor work attitudes, fraudulence, and the issue of fake medical certificate (Abdul Rahman, 2008). A number of regional Labour Department in Malaysia also had indicated that at least twenty to 30 cases in a month have been reported by employees and employers. Findings from Faridahwati (2003) revealed that saying hurtful things and making fun of someone at work stands out to be common forms of deviance act in workplace. In addition, the acts of deviance behavior at workplace had been documented increase in the number of reported incidents in workplace (Faridahwati, 2004). For example, corruption (Utusan online, October, 2009), theft, sabotage, harassment, cursed someone at work and publicly being embarrassed at workplace (Kosmo, October 2009), putting little effort at work (Utusan, August 2009), taking breaks during office hours which had become a culture among public sector employees (Arkib, 2008). All these behaviors are various forms of deviant behavior that had been reported by published media in public sectors. Apparently, there are proofs of problems rooted in the poor performance among the public sector employees (Johari et al., 2009). This is supported by Siddique (2006), who claimed that public service agencies in Malaysia has long been criticized for its inflexibility, ineffective accountability, and poor performance among the officials. The bleak picture is evident when the Malaysian Public Service has recorded 58 percent increase in formal complaints from the public (Siddique, 2006). In 2005, a total of 2,707 complaints were received with regard to the public service poor performance, such as delays in service provision, unfair actions/decisions of the administrators, abuse of power, misconduct of the officials, and failure to enforce rules which all these are forms of deviant behaviors.. Added to this, the chief secretary of the Malaysian government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan (2009) mentioned that the number of disciplinary cases against civil servants is on the rise. For example, there were 3,383 such cases last year compared with 2,159 in year 2007. Such form of deviant cases being reported are absenteeism, tardiness and sexual harassment. This is also opined by Abdul Rahman (2008) that disciplinary cases involving employees in the public sector had been highly reported. Absenteeism which also a form of workplace deviance had become a significant issue where there are cases of employees in public sectors did not turn up for work for almost three months without the knowledge of their supervisors and employers (Ministry of Human Resource, 2009). A report from January till September 2009 indicated that 129 public employees in Selangor were absent without reason or permission and 49% of the 129 public sector employees are from the support staff level (Bernama, 13 Septe mber, 2009). This was also supported by Cuepecs Secretary, Ahmad Shah (2009) that most of them are in the category of supporting staff and is station outside the office. It also had been reported that absenteeism had been the four highest principal of offense cases which 7,688 cases or 55 percent, followed by code of conduct and prohibition case, court cases and abuse or dangerous drug ownership (Utusan, June 2007). Apart from the above, there has been an increase of 36.2% offense cases from public sector employees at various levels in year 2009 and 3,383 offense cases are committed compared to 2,159 cases in year 2007 (Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, Utusan dated October, 2009). Added to this, rules violation cases involve officers from the public service were reported to be increasing each year and as many as 2,955 in year 2006 compared to 1,943 at 2002 (Utusan, June 2008). Vardi and Weitz (2004) stated that there are two major costs that come with workplace deviance , financial costs (e.g., destruction of organizational property, violation of laws, codes and regulations, etc.) and social costs (e.g., destructive political behaviors, harassment, and sustained suboptimal performance) (Griffin OLeary-Kelly, 2004). Thus, the pervasiveness of workplace deviance in public sector made it an important area to study. Apart from the above, despite the increasing forms of workplace deviance reported in the public sector, there had been little studies or no attention to investigate workplace deviance in the perspective of public sector employees. In fact, workplace deviance had been received less attention among organizational scholars (Vardi and Weist, 2004; Abdul Rahim and Abdul Rahman, 2008). 3.0 Research Objectives The purpose of this study is to contributed to the workplace deviance literature by adopting an interaction approach to empirically examine how both person- and situation-based variables interact to explain workplace deviance. The research objectives are as follows: i) To identify typical forms of workplace deviance that exists in the public sector. ii) To investigate the determinants of workplace deviance that exists in the public sector. iii) To measure workplace deviance behavior in the public sector. iv) To determine whether individual variables (gender, negative affectivity, trait anger) influence workplace deviance in the public sector. v) To determine whether situational variables (job sastisfaction, work group norms and organizational justice) influence workplace deviance in the public sectors. 4.0 Significance contribution This research makes contributions to both the theory and practice of management. Although scholars have recognized that deviance can be socially constructed, there has been a death of research that has specifically addressed this issue especially in the perspective of public sector employees. Further to this, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the workplace deviance literature by adopting an interactional approach to empirically examine how both individual-and situation-based variables interact to explain workplace deviance. On the implication, it benefits the superiors and managers. This study will contribute to a better understanding on deviant behaviors in the workplace and contributed to the literature examining complex antecedents of workplace deviance. Furthermore, there is paucity for empirical study of workplace deviance especially in the context of public sector in Malaysia. Also, looking at the perspective of academic level, the result of this study will give more insight in the contribution and development of knowledge in the areas of human resource management and public administration concerning workplace deviance. It is also expected that the result from this proposed study will assist policy makers and practitioners to reduce the occurrences of workplace deviance issues related to organizational and individual factors. By understanding, the factors that influence workplace deviance, the government would also in a better position to plan and implement complementary and an integrated of publi c administration policies and practices to enhance the effectiveness of the employees in the public sector thus reduce the existence of workplace deviance. The result of the study is also expected to assist government sectors to use the information from the study to implement training and development related to this issue. It will also contribute to all fields which in turn enhance the theoretical and academic integration of several branches (organization behavior and human resource management) and their mother field of public administration. Finally, the most ultimate objective is to reduce workplace deviance which contributes tangible and intangible costs to the victims and organization. 5.0 Scope of study This study is an explanatory in nature and adopts a cross-sectional design. This study will targeted the support staff as sample. Support staff was chosen as it had been reported in the media that 10,438 civil servants had been given disciplinary action from year 2003 till 2006 and 92 percent are from the support staff (Utusan, June 2007). Moreover, it has been suggested that those who have the lower status may be the most prone to exhibiting deviant behavior (e.g., Gilligan, 1996; Wicklund Gollwitzer, 1982). Employees from the Royal Malaysian Custom department will be chosen as sample as this department interact and liaise widely with various customers. The study will fill the gap in terms of providing research findings that integrate the respondents perception on situation variables (job satisfaction, workgroup norms and organizational justice) and individual variables (Gender, trait anger and negative affectivity) which all were conceptualize as independent variables. The focus of this study is to determine the individual and situational factors of workplace deviance in a public organization. 6.0 Operational Definition: Workplace Deviance: Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and in so doing threatens the well-being of an organization, its members, or both. This definition includes non serious (e.g. tardiness) as well as more serious types of workpalce deviance (e.g. theft of cash and harassment) (Robinson and Bennet, 1995). Trait Anger: Trait anger is described as a disposition to experience state anger overtime and context overtime (Speilberger, 1996). Negative affectivity: Negative affectivity reflects the extent to which individuals experience distressing emotions such as hostility, fear, and anxiety (Watson Clark, 1984). Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction reveals the degree to which an employee is content with their job as a whole and encompasses multiple aspects of ones job ranging from the work itself, the quality of interpersonal relationships, compensation and career advancement opportunities (Bruck, Allen Spector, 2002). Work Group Norms: Group Norms are informal rules that group adopts to regulate and regularize group members behavior (Fieldman, 1984). Organizational injustice: Three types of fairness perceptions: distributive, procedural, and interactional injustice. Judgements concerning distributive revolve around the employees evaluations of outcome fairness, that is, whether the individual has received a fair share of rewards given his or her relative contribution to a societal exchange (Adam, 1965). Distributive injustice typically refers to fairness evaluations regarding work outcomes such as pay, benefits, promotions, and so on. Procedural injustice includes judgments about the processes and procedures used to make decisions and to determine ones outcome (Greenberg, 1990, Lind Tyler, 1988). Chapter 2 Review of Literature 2.0 Introduction A large body of literature on the topics of workplace deviance and its antecedents provides will be reviewed in this chapter. An extensive search process was conducted by utilizing numerous database. This chapter will provide contemporary literature regarding workplace deviance as discussed in the previous chapter. 2.1 Workplace deviance Researchers have given these behaviors many different names including workplace deviance (Bennett and Robinson, 2003), counterproductive behavior (Mangione and Quinn, 1975), and antisocial behavior (Giacolone and Greenberg, 1997). In essence, behavior is deemed deviant when an organizations customs, policies, or internal regulations are violated by an individual or a group that may jeopardize the well-being of the organization or its citizens (Robinson and Bennett, 1995). This proposed study will used the definition of workplace deviance by Robinson and Bennett (1995) as voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and in so doing threatens the well-being of an organization, its members, or both. Organizational norms in this definition assume a managerial orientation about expectations of employee behaviors without excluding adoption of this perspective by other employees. This definition also focuses on violations of norms that apply across a broad spectrum of employees, rather than violations of norms around specific duties. Employee deviance, then, consists of acts that violate norms encouraging respect for organizational property and norms that encourage respect for other individuals. Workplace deviance ranges from a milder forms, such as rudeness and tardiness, to more extreme forms, such as theft, workplace deviance is considered part of the performance domain (Rotundo Sackett, 2002; Sackett, 2002; Viswesvaran Ones, 2000). .Behaviors that have been identified as deviant in previous research include subtle expressions of rebellion (e.g., gossiping, taking unapproved breaks), as well as more aggressive actions (e.g., theft, verbal abuse; Robinson Bennett, 1995). Keashly, Trott, and MacLean (1994), in their study of abusive behavior in the workplace which is also a form of workplace deviance found that, found that all participants had experienced at least one incident of nonsexual, nonphysical abusive behavior. Relatedly, 32% of participants in Bjorkqvist, Osterman, and Hjelt-Backs (1994) study of harassment (also one of the forms of deviance) at work reported that they had observed others being mistreated. Workplace deviance can be divided further into two subcategories (Bennett Robinson, 2000; Robinson Bennett, 1995). The first category, referred to as interpersonal deviance, consists of acts that inflict harm upon individuals (e.g., verbal harassment, assault, spreading rumors). Organizational deviance is defined as acts directed against the company or its systems (e.g., sabotaging equipment, theft, wasting resources). The prevalence and costs of deviance in the workplace make its study imperative (Robinson and Lawrence, 2007). Psychological reactions to workplace deviance include feelings of depression and anxiety (Bjorkvist et al., 1994). Psychosocial problems (Kaukiainen, Salmivalli, Bjorkqvist, Osterman, Lahtinen, Kostamo, Lagerspetz, 2001); emotional exhaustion (OBrien Vandello, 2005; Tepper, 2000); life dissatisfaction (Tepper, 2000); and decrements in emotional well-being (LeBlanc Kelloway, 2002; Schat Kelloway, 2000), self-esteem, and self-confidence (Price Spratlen, 1995) are other psychological strains. Work-related psychological reactions are job dissatisfaction, work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict (Tepper, 2000), and decrements. in job-related affect (Schat Kelloway, 2003), normative commitment, and affective commitment (Tepper, 2000). Physical reactions include physical symptoms (Kaukiainen et al., 2001) and decrements in psychosomatic well-being (LeBlanc Kelloway, 2 002; Schat Kelloway, 2003). Due to the impact, workplace deviance has increasingly received researchers attention, in part because of the alarming statistics indicating its pervasiveness in the workplace. The financial and non financial costs associated with workplace deviance warrant attention from both researchers and practitioners. Much research attention has been given to the damaging effects of workplace deviance within organizations. However, as yet, little research has been conducted to try to understand whether and how the presence of workplace deviance is associated with a deterioration in public administration. Research regarding workplace deviance often investigates personality (e.g., Douglas and Martinko, 2001; Salgado, 2002) or situational (e.g. Greenhcrg, 1990; Skarlicki and Folger, 1997) predictors while neglecting the interaction between the personality and situational variables. Consistent with other research areas and calls to examine the joint influences of situational and individual variables on deviant workplace behavior (Sackett DeVore, 2001), some researchers have begun to empirically investigate interactionist hypotheses in the deviance literature (e.g., Colbert, Mount, Harter, Witt, Barrick; 2004, Henle, 2005). Colbert et al. (2004) noted that future research should examine the joint relationship of perceptions of the work situation and personality with both organizational and interpersonal deviance. As suggested by Mickaulay (2001) that understanding the independent effects of situational and individual variables may lead to more effective control of workplace deviance. Th erefore, this proposed research will look into the situation and personality as well as the interaction between the two as empirical research on this dynamic between the individual and situation has been limited (Mickaulay, 2001). 2.2 Individual and situational factors of workplace deviance Workplace deviance is influenced by situational as well as individual factors (Colbert et al., 2004; Douglas Martinko, 2001; Marcus Schuler, 2004). Individual factors may have a direct effect on workplace deviance. For example, Douglas and Martinko found that a combination of individual difference measures (e.g., trait anger, attribution style, and self-control) accounted for 62% of variance in self-reported workplace aggression which is also a form of workplace deviance (Tang et al., 2008). Other individual characteristics are related to workplace deviance (e.g., conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability; Colbert et al., 2004). Workplace deviance is also influenced by situational as well as individual factors (Colbert et al., 2004; Douglas Martinko, 2001; Marcus Schuler, 2004). Individual factors may have a direct effect on workplace deviance. .For example, Skarlicki et al. (1999) found that negative affectivity interacted with perceptions of distributive and interactional justice in the prediction of retaliatory behaviors. When situational factors investigate deviant behaviors, individual factors may amplify this effect (as in the case of trait anger; Hepworth Towler, 2004) (as in the case of self-control; Brown et al., 2005). Base on the above perspective on individual and situational variables towards workplace deviance, this study contributed to the workplace deviance literature by examining the importance of situation- and person-based explanations in addition to their interactions. Although many have advocated for an interactional approach to studying deviant work behaviors, few studies have done so (Henle, 2005). The organizational and social psychology literature demonstrate that individual differences constitute an important explanation for workplace deviance. However, it appears that workplace deviance cannot be attributed to individual traits alone. Langton et al. (2006) also assert that no single factor or theory that can account for each and every occurrence. For example, even an employee working in the same company and having the same demographic characteristics, are not both necessarily going to commit workplace deviants act. As such, Langton (2006) opined that there must be internal traits that predispose a worker to workplace deviance. It is also more likely that deviant behavior may be best predicted based on a combination of individual variables and the situational nature of the workplace situation (Peterson, 2002). For this research, individual variables (gender, trait anger and self control) and situational variables (job satisfaction, stress (work stress and general life stress ), work group norms and perceive justice) will be used as independent variables for this study. 2.3 Individual variables 2.3.1 Gender Various researchers had indicated that male tend to be more deviant behavior at work (Baron et al., 1999), absenteeism (Johns, 1997), theft (Hollinger and Clark, 1983), substance abuse (Hollinger, 1988), and vandalism (DeMore et al., 1988). Researchers also